Last Updated: September 12, 2022
“What disturbs me the most in this is the fact that the individual is only a means to an end — and that the end is profit, not health.” — Dr. Patrick Quanten
“When all mainstream channels are telling you to look over here, you better believe it’s because they don’t want you to look over there.” — Kelly Brogan
“Facts and theories must thus become no less the object of an official doctrine than views about values. And the whole apparatus for spreading knowledge, the schools and the press, wireless and cinema, will be used exclusively to spread those views which, whether true or false, will strengthen the belief in the rightness of the decisions taken by the authority; and all information that might cause doubt or hesitation will be withheld.” — F.A. Hayek, 1944
“Logic can only be presented at diplomatically safe times and places.” — Jim West
“Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.” — Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1972
- Primer
- Activism
- Blogs
- Social
- Archives
- Books
- Films
- Statistics
- Longer Analyses
- Shorter Analyses
- Podcasts/Vodcasts
- Audiovisual
- Copyright Notice
- “COVID-19: Evidence Of Global Fraud” by Iain Davis (November 17, 2020).
- “Crimes Against Humanity: The German Corona Investigation” (with transcript), by Reiner Fuellmich (October 3, 2020) and “Crimes Against Humanity” — Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by Sverige Granskas (October 26, 2020) and “Crimes Against Humanity” — Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by John Cooper (November 5, 2020) and “The Biggest Lawsuit In The History Of The World” — Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by Dr. Tommy John (November 11, 2020) and “German Lawyer Sues The World Over Coronavirus” — Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by Patrick Bet-David (November 13, 2020) and Reiner Fuellmich interviewed for Planet Lockdown (December 30, 2020).
- Flaws In Coronavirus Pandemic Theory (updated June 6, 2020) and Antibody Testing for COVID-19 (updated May 13, 2020) by David Crowe, RIP (both PDF).
- “COVID-19, Viruses, Testing, And Scientific Dogma” — David Crowe interviewed by Jacob Gossel (May 7, 2020) and “Questioning The Existence Of The Pandemic” — David Crowe interviewed by Aditya Sangore (May 27, 2020).
- “If COVID Fatalities Were 90.2% Lower, How Would You Feel About Schools Reopening?” (July 24, 2020) and “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity, And FederalLaw: A Historical Retrospective” (PDF) (October 12, 2020) by Henry Ealy, Michael McEvoy, Daniel Chong, John Nowicki, Monica Sava, Sandeep Gupta?, David White, James Jordan, Daniel Simon, and Paul Anderson.
- Kary Mullis interviewed by Gary Null (May, 1996).
- “It’s Gene Therapy, Not A Vaccine” — Dr. David Martin interviewed by Hilda Gore (January 25, 2021).
- “Germs, Covid-19, And Vaccines” — Dr. Larry Palevsky interviewed by Tommy John.
- “Vox On Ebola” — Harry Vox, interviewed by Paul DiRienzo, discusses Rockefeller “Lock Step” scenario (October 23, 2014).
- “Are We Being Told the Truth About COVID-19?” — Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi interviewed by Konstantin Kisin and Frances Foster (November 12, 2020).
- “Operation Moonshot And The Manipulation Of Humanity” by Andrew Kaufman and David Icke (October 1, 2020).
- “COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless” by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter (June 27, 2020) with followup (July 31, 2020); “Was The COVID-19 Test Meant To Detect A Virus?” by Celia Farber (April 7, 2020); “Pseudo-Epidemics: Why COVID-19 Is Guaranteed To Never End” by Mike Hearn (July 27, 2020); “Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive; Maybe It Shouldn’t Be” by Apoorva Mandavilli (August 29, 2020); “All You Need To Know About COVID Testing” by Jon Garvey (September 18, 2020); “The Invented Pandemic, The Lack Of Virus Isolation, And The Invalid Covid-19 Test” by Stefano Scoglio (September 25, 2020); “The Folly Of ‘New Cases’: War, Deception, And The Crux Of Covid-19” by Greg Nigh (October 10, 2020); “A Laboratory-Created Pandemic Of PCR Testing” by John C.A. Manley (October 22, 2020); “Nucleic Acid Testing Technologies That Use RT-PCR For Detection Of SARS-Cov-2” — WHO Information Notice (December 14, 2020); and “Big Problems With Our Big Testing Regime” by Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Cabrera.
- “Covid-19 Deaths: A Look At U.S. Data” by Genevieve Briand (November 14, 2020).
- “Virologists“, by Stefan Lanka (August, 2020) (also in PDF).
- “Masking Ourselves To Death” by Mark Crispin Miller (September 5, 2020). Also in PDF.
- “Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan Talk Masks” — interviewed by Reinette Senum (August 10, 2020) and “Mask Whistleblowers Tell All” — Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan interviewed by Del Bigtree (October 8, 2020).
- The Doctor Within podcast series, with references (2020, ongoing).
- “How Likely Is A Second Wave?” by Paul Kirkham, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Barry Thomas (September 7, 2020) and “Former Chief Science Officer For Pfizer Says ‘Second Wave’ Faked On False-positive COVID Tests, ‘Pandemic Is Over’” by Ralph Lopez (Updated October 7, 2020).
- “Medical Myths: From Germ Theory to Covid-19” — Thomas Cowan interviewed by The Social Critic (August 1, 2020). (Also at Big Brother.)
- “Doctor Blows Whistle On Medical System And ‘Pandemic’” — Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Brendan Murphy (May 17, 2020) and “The Frankenstein Viral Genome Sequence Fraud” — Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Jason Liosatos (July 23, 2020) and “Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ The ‘Virus’” by Tom Cowan (October 15, 2020).
- “The Great Covid Class War” by Alex Gutentag (December 16, 2020).
- “Why The Bill Gates Global Health Empire Promises More Empire And Less Public Health” By Jeremy Loffredo and Michele Greenstein (July 8, 2020).
- “The Plandemic In Spain: A Chronicle Of The Fear Virus” by Stop Confinamiento España (June, 2020) (PDF).
- Lockdown Lunacy, by J.B. Handley: “The Thinking Person’s Guide” (May 30, 2020), “Second Wave? Not Even Close” (June 29, 2020), and “It’s Over” (July 28, 2020).
- Jeff G.: “Viral Misconceptions — Presentation On The True Nature Of Viruses” — audio presentation and audio and print interviews by Alana Fournet (April 1, 2020) and “Vaccine Dangers/The Current Situation” (July 18, 2020).
- “Masks Don’t Work: A Review Of Science Relevant To Covid-19 Social Policy” by Denis G. Rancourt, PhD (June 11, 2020), “Still No Conclusive Evidence Justifying Mandatory Masks” by Todd McGreevy (August 12, 2020), “What Are The Facts About Masks?” Denis Rancourt interviewed by Joseph Mercola (July 19, 2020), and “Review Of Scientific Reports Of Harms Caused By Face Masks, Up To February 2021” by D.G. Rancourt (February, 2021).
- The Creation Of A False Epidemic podcast series, by Jon Rappoport (April 1 – May 28, 2020): Parts 1-3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6.
- “The Germ Theory Deception” by Alex Loglia (1993): Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4.
- Deadly Deception lecture and book excerpt, by Dr. Robert E. Willner MD, PHD (1994).
- “Total All-Cause Mortality Data In Europe Confirms Wuhan-Coronavirus Comparable In Magnitude To Flu Waves Of The 2010s; Panic And Lockdowns Fully Discredited” (June 16, 2020) and “The Coronavirus Death Curves In Stay-Open Sweden And The Stay-Locked-Down USA Are Remarkably Similar Over Four Months, Discrediting Lockdown-Pushers” (June 28, 2020).
- “All-cause Mortality During COVID-19: No Plague, And A Likely Signature Of Mass Homicide By Government Response” by D.G. Rancourt (June, 2020).
- “If COVID Fatalities Were 90.2% Lower, How Would You Feel About Schools Reopening?” by H. Ealy, M. McEvoy, M. Sava, S. Gupta, D. Chong, D. White, J. Nowicki, P. Anderson (July 24, 2020).
- “Busted: 11 Covid Assumptions Based On Fear Not Fact” by Makia Freeman (July 2, 2020).
- “Viruses” (November, 2004) and “Catching A Disease” (July, 2012), by Dr. Patrick Quanten MD.
- “There Are No Viruses” — James McCumiskey interviewed by David Crowe (February 12, 2020).
- “COVID-19 Is Just Smoke And Mirrors“: Thomas Cowan interviewed by Patrick Timpone (June 9, 2020).
- “Evidence The COVID-19 Pandemic Is False” by Kevin Galalae (April 6, 2020) (PDF).
- “Anatomy Of Covid-19” by Dr. Andrew Kaufman (April 1, 2020) and “Unmasking The Lies Around Covid-19: Facts vs. Fiction Of The Coronavirus Pandemic” Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Brian Rose (April 27, 2020).
- “Masks: Have You Been Captured By This Psyop?” by Kelly Brogan, MD (July 8, 2020).
- “Medical Martial Law 2020” (March 21, 2020) and “Your Body, Their Choice” (July 18, 2020) by James Corbett.
- “Is ‘HIV’ Really The Cause Of AIDS?” (Updated 2011). Also in EPUB.
- Activist Teacher (Denis Rancourt).
- Armstrong Economics.
- The Bernician.
- Blog Of Ours.
- Citizens For Free Speech.
- Coronacircus: The Best Antidote Is The Truth.
- Coronavirus / COVID-19 / 5G Hoax: Pandemic Depopulation Genocide.
- COVID-19 Uncensored: The Currency Of Control Is Fear.
- The Current Health Scenario.
- Cryptogon: news – analysis – conspiracies.
- Researcher/writer William Engdahl.
- Fakeologist.
- Hail To You.
- The Hump Of The Camel.
- In This Together: The Disillusioned Blogger.
- Inverted Alchemy (David Martin).
- Dr. Malcolm Kendrick.
- Knowledge Of Health.
- Lockdown Sceptics: Stay Sceptical | End The Lockdown | Save Lives.
- News From Underground (Mark Crispin Miller).
- Jon Rappoport’s invaluable analysis, No More Fake News — with lively comments sections.
- The Off-Guardian‘s Coronavirus category. In-depth analysis and lively comments sections.
- Ozzie Thinker.
- Panda: Pandemics, Data, and Analytics.
- Piece Of Mindful.
- pHorever Young (Dr. Robert O. Young).
- Planet Ponzi.
- Sebastian Rushworth, MD: Health And Medical Information Grounded In Science.
- Sanjeev Sabhlok.
- Sturm.
- Tessa Fights Robots.
- The Truth Barrier (Celia Farber).
- UK Column.
- Unlock The Lockdown: Lockdown Does More Harm Than Good.
- Jim West.
- 21st Century Wire.
- Active Health — the site of Dr. Patrick Quanten MD.
- Associates For Citizens’ Rights: Harm From Social Distancing, Mask-wearing, And Lockdown.
- Baizuobu: Samizdat-Rich Analysis And Charts.
- The Big Virus Hoax.
- Children’s Health Defense “News & Views“.
- Collateral Global: A Global Repository For Research Into The Collateral Effects Of The Covid-19 Lockdown Measures
- A Collection Of Correspondence Concomitant To The Corona
CircusCrisis, by Miri AF. - Constitutional Rights Centre.
- The indefatigable James Corbett follows the money. His material is always very thoroughly sourced.
- Corey’s Digs Health and Science Reports.
- Corman-Drosten Review Report (November 27, 2020) and Addendum (January 11, 2021).
- Coronavirus: The Changing Paradigm — A shockingly thorough gathering of resources.
- Cost Of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report.
- Covid Book Updates: James Perloff continues to follow the subject of his 2020 book Red-Pilled: Covid-19 And The Agendas To Come.
- Covid-19: An Evidence-Based Guide.
- Vaccine Choice Canada: Covid-19 News Updates.
- The Crowhouse.
- Crux Of Health: What Is A Virus? | Terrain | Pleomorphism.
- The Doctor Within (Tim O’Shea) newsletter archive.
- Kathy Dopp: Compilation Of Research.
- Duesberg On AIDS.
- Gamzu.
- Global Research.
- Warnings, Forecasts, and Predictions, by Vernon Coleman.
- Immunity Resource Foundation.
- The Infectious Myth — Layman researcher David Crowe gathers sources for a forthcoming book.
- The Informed Parent.
- Medical Kidnap.
- Optimum Health Public Library.
- Lawrence Palevsky.
- The Perth Group HIV-AIDS Debate.
- Planet Waves.
- The Weston A. Price Foundation: Environmental Toxins.
- Principia Scientific International.
- Questioning COVID: Clinicians, Researchers, And Health Experts From Around The World Interrogating The Mainstream Narrative Around The Pandemic.
- Questions About The Supposed Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic.
- Dr. Rath Health Foundation.
- Rational Ground.
- Red Pill University.
- Research Summary And Debunk Regarding The Existence Of “SARS-COV-2” And “COVID-19”.
- Shots Of Truth.
- Snooze To Awaken: A Cornucopia Of Categorized Links Exploring And Exposing Covid-19 Lies And The Liars Who Tell Them (Regularly Updated Database).
- So What The Hell Is Going On? and No Record Found: FOIs Reveal That Health/Science Institutions Around The World Have No Record Of SARS-CoV-2 Isolation/Purification, Anywhere, Ever
- Soil And Health Library: Health Begins In The Soil…
- Summit News.
- Technocracy News And Trends.
- Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute.
- Treatment Information Group: Thinking About AIDS Drugs.
- The Viral (Infectious Disease And Epidemic) Fear Racket.
- Virusmyth — A Rethinking AID$ website.
- Vox News.
- World Doctors’ Alliance latest news.
- Alin.
- Old Man In A Chair (Vernon Coleman).
- The Corona Cure.
- Dr. Tom Cowan.
- Dr. Clare Craig.
- Ivor Cummins.
- Torsten Engelbrecht.
- The Fullerton Informer.
- Jeff G. has prepared several useful treatises and presentations regarding germ/virus theory.
- Rocco Galati.
- Maryam Henein.
- The Infectious Myth group.
- Andrew Kaufman, MD.
- Carrie Madej, D.O..
- David Martin.
- Plandemic.
- Pamela Popper.
- Question Everything.
- Dr. Reid Sheftall.
- Terrain Theory Refutes Germ Theory group.
- Truth Matters.
- Vox News (Harry Vox).
- Aron Walton.
- YumNaturals Emporium (Amandha Vollmer).
- Professor Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless Diet Healing System (1922): PDF.
- Herbert Shelton, The Hygienic System, Vol. VI — Orthopathy (1939): EPUB, HTML.
- Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-1945 (1955): EPUB.
- Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (1960/2010): EPUB, HTML.
- Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D., Swine Flu Expose (1977).
- Norman Cousins, Anatomy Of An Illness As Perceived By The Patient: Reflections On Healing And Regeneration (1979): EPUB.
- T.C. Fry, The Life-Science Health System (1982): PDF, EPUB, MOBI, HTML.
- Harris L. Coulter, Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault On The American Brain (1990): PDF.
- John Lauritsen, Poison By Prescription: The AZT Story (1990): PDF.
- Edward S, Golub, The Limits Of Medicine (1994): EPUB, PDF.
- Robert Willner, Deadly Deception (1994): Excerpt.
- Vernon Coleman, How To Stop Your Doctor Killing You (1996): EPUB.
- Ross Horne, Health And Survival In The 21st Century (1997) and The Health Revolution – Fifth Edition (1997) (both PDF).
- Dr. William P. Trebing, Good-Bye Germ Theory: Ending A Century Of Medical Fraud (2000): PDF.
- Anthony Brink, Debating AZT: Mbeki and the AIDS Drug Controversy (2000) and Introducing AZT: ‘A World Of Antiretroviral Experience’ (2008) (both PDF). Also, combined into one EPUB.
- Jon Rappoport, AIDS Inc. (2003): EPUB, HTML.
- Michelle Cochrane, When AIDS Began: San Francisco And The Making Of An Epidemic (2004): PDF.
- Rebecca Culshaw, Science Sold Out: Does HIV Really Cause AIDS? (2007): EPUB, PDF.
- Torsten Engelbrecht and Kohnlein Claus, Virus Mania: How The Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense: PDF (2007), EPUB (2nd Edition, 2020), HTML (2nd Edition).
- Janine Roberts, Fear Of The Invisible: An Investigation Of Viruses And Vaccines, HIV, And AIDS (2008): PDF.
- Joost A.M. Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing (2009): EPUB.
- Nancy Turner Banks, AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, And Empire: The Deadly Virus Of International Greed (2010): PDF, DJVU.
- Suzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, And The Forgotten History (2013): EPUB, PDF.
- Arthur Firstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow: A History Of Electricity And Life (2016): EPUB.
- Forrest Maready, Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained: The Incredible Story Of Metal, Microbes, And Medicine…Hidden Within Our Faces (2018): EPUB.
- Forrest Maready, The Moth In The Iron Lung: A Biography Of Polio (2018): EPUB.
- Ted Kuntz, Dare To Question (2018): PDF.
- Dawn Lester and David Parker, What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong (2019): EPUB.
- Vernon Coleman, Old Man In A Chair (2020): EPUB.
- Zahir Ebrahim, The Useful Idiot’s Guide To Pandemic 2020 (2020): PDF.
- James Perloff, Red-Pilled: Covid-19 And The Agendas To Come (2020): EPUB. Updates added frequently.
- Pamela Popper and Shane Prier, COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It Happened, And What’s Next (2020): EPUB.
- Karina Weiss and Sucharit Bhakdi, Corona False Alarm: Facts And Figures (2020): EPUB, PDF, HTML.
- Giorgio Agamben, Where Are We Now? The Epidemic As Politics (2021): EPUB.
- Michel Chossudovsky, The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État, And The “Great Reset” (2021): HTML.
- Thomas S. Cowan MD, Breaking The Spell: The Scientific Evidence for Ending The COVID Delusion (2021): EPUB, PDF.
- Illa, The PCR Disaster: Genesis And Evolution Of The Drosten Test (2021): PDF, EPUB (imperfect formatting).
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (2021): EPUB, PDF, HTML. And updates.
- Mattias Desmet, The Psychology Of Totalitarianism (2022): EPUB.
- Ian Miller, Unmaksed: The Global Failure Of COVID Mask Mandates (2022): PDF.
- 1986: The Act (2020).
- Deconstructing The Myth Of AIDS (2003).
- House Of Numbers (2009) and The Emperors New Virus? An Analysis Of The Evidence For The Existence Of HIV (2011).
- Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination (2011).
- Positively False: Birth Of A Heresy, by Immunity Resource Foundation (2014).
- Vaxxed (2016) and Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth (2019).
- Hippocratic Hypocrisy (2020).
- Planet Lockdown (2021) — Full Interviews.
- CDC Daily Updates Of Totals By Week And State.
- Masks vs. “Cases” Charts and More Mask Charts, compiled by Rational Ground.
- “Facts About Covid-19” by Swiss Propaganda Research (updated monthly).
- Covid-19 In Proportion.
- “COVID 19 Is A Statistical Nonsense” by Iain Davis (May 5, 2020).
- “Total All-Cause Mortality Data In Europe Confirms Wuhan-Coronavirus Comparable In Magnitude To Flu Waves Of The 2010s; Panic And Lockdowns Fully Discredited” (June 16, 2020) and “The Coronavirus Death Curves In Stay-Open Sweden And The Stay-Locked-Down USA Are Remarkably Similar Over Four Months, Discrediting Lockdown-Pushers” (June 28, 2020).
Longer Analyses
- “An Historical And Ætiological Essay On The Influenza” (January, 1839) (PDF).
- Ralph Scobey, “Is The Public Health Law Responsible For The Poliomyelitis Mystery?“(1951), “The Poison Cause of Poliomyelitis And Obstructions To Its Investigation” (1952), “Is Human Poliomyelitis Caused By An Exogenous Virus?” (1954).”
- “The Chemical Bases Of The Various AIDS Epidemics: Recreational Drugs, Anti-Viral Chemotherapy And Malnutrition” by Peter Duesberg, Claus Koehnlein, and David Rasnick (2003) (PDF). Also in EPUB.
- “Exposing The Myth Of The Germ Theory” by Arthur M. Baker (2005) (PDF).
- “Vaccines Did Not Save Us: Two Centuries Of Official Statistics” (2009).
- “Is ‘HIV’ Really The Cause Of AIDS?” (Updated 2011). Also in EPUB.
- “The Fallacious Germ Theory” by Joe Dubs (April 24, 2013).
- “The Case Against HIV” by Henry H. Bauer (2013; updated 2017).
- “Pesticides And Polio” by Jim West (2015).
- “Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines, And The HIV/AIDS Hypothesis” by Robert O. Young (2016): Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.
- HIV: A Virus Like No Other, by The Perth Group (2017) (PDF). Also in EPUB.
- Dare To Question: One Parent To Another, compiled by Ted Kuntz (March 1, 2018) (PDF).
- “Still No Proof For The Measles Virus” by Feli Popescu-Vineri (September 21, 2018 ).
- Engineering Contagion: Amerithrax, Coronavirus, And The Rise Of The Biotech-Industrial Complex, by Whitney Webb and Raul Diego (April 1, 2020): Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.
- Flaws In Coronavirus Pandemic Theory (updated June 6, 2020) and Antibody Testing for COVID-19 (updated May 13, 2020) by David Crowe, RIP (both PDF). Also: “Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist?” by David Crowe (March 14th, 2020).
- “The Germ Theory Deception: Viruses, 5G, Vaccines, ‘Coronavirus’” (March 20, 2020).
- “Germ ‘Theory’: Debunking the Coronavirus/Covid-19 Scamdal” (March 23, 2020).
- “Was The COVID-19 Test Meant To Detect A Virus?” by Celia Farber (April 7, 2020) and Kary Mullis interviewed by Celia Farber (July, 1994).
- “Coronavirus Pandemic 2020: Environment Omitted” (April 9, 2020) and references (May 9, 2020), by Jim West.
- “The Corona Virus Is Just A Concept That Only Exists on Paper” by Dr. Robert O. Young (May 4, 2020).
- “Evidence The COVID-19 Pandemic Is False” by Kevin Galalae (April 6, 2020) (PDF).
- “The Covid-19 ‘Pandemic’: Challenging The Narrative, Reclaiming Our Future” by Andrew Johnson (Updated May 10, 2020) (PDF). Also in EPUB and HTML.
- “The Coronavirus ‘Pandemic’: The Biggest Lie in Human History” (May 11, 2020).
- Lockdown Lunacy, by J.B. Handley: “The Thinking Person’s Guide” (May 30, 2020), “Second Wave? Not Even Close” (June 29, 2020), and “It’s Over” (July 28, 2020).
- “The Plandemic In Spain: A Chronicle Of The Fear Virus” by Stop Confinamiento España (June, 2020) (PDF).
- “All-cause Mortality During COVID-19: No Plague, And A Likely Signature Of Mass Homicide By Government Response” by D.G. Rancourt (June, 2020).
- “COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless” by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter (June 27, 2020) with followup (July 31, 2020).
- “Why The Bill Gates Global Health Empire Promises More Empire And Less Public Health” By Jeremy Loffredo and Michele Greenstein (July 8, 2020).
- “If COVID Fatalities Were 90.2% Lower, How Would You Feel About Schools Reopening?” (July 24, 2020) and “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity, And FederalLaw: A Historical Retrospective” (PDF) (October 12, 2020) by Henry Ealy, Michael McEvoy, Daniel Chong, John Nowicki, Monica Sava, Sandeep Gupta?, David White, James Jordan, Daniel Simon, and Paul Anderson.
- Global COVID Report (September, 2020).
- “Masking Ourselves To Death” by Mark Crispin Miller (September 5, 2020). Also in PDF.
- “Infection Fatality Rate Of Covid-19” by John Ioannidis (October 14, 2020) (PDF).
Shorter Analyses
- “Notes On Nursing” by Florence Nightingale (1860).
- “Experiments To Determine Mode Of Spread Of Influenza” by Milton J. Rosenau (August 2, 1919) (PDF).
- “Infectious AIDS: Stretching the Germ Theory Beyond Its Limits” by Peter Duesberg
- “A Call For The Truth: A White Paper On The Viral-AIDS Hypothesis” by Robert Willner (1994)
- “The Medical Establishment vs. The Truth” [Book Excerpt], By Kary Mullis (Penthouse, September 1998).
- “The SARS Epidemic: Are Viruses Taking the Rap For Industrial Poisons?” by Jim West (December 7, 2003).
- “The House That AIDS Built” by Liam Scheff (2004).
- “Reconstruction Of A Mass Hysteria: The Swine Flu Panic Of 2009” by Der Spiegel (March 12, 2010).
- “Viruses” (November, 2004) and “Catching A Disease” (July, 2012), by Dr. Patrick Quanten MD.
- “Out Of Control: AIDS And The Corruption Of Medical Science” by Celia Farber (Harpers, March 1, 2006).
- “Why I Quit HIV” (March 3, 2006) and “Why I Quit HIV: The Aftermath” (March 21, 2006), by Rebecca Culshaw. (See also her book, Science Sold Out, listed above.)
- “Death By Medicine: A Far-Ranging, Meticulously Documented Survey Demonstrates That America’s Government-sanctioned Medical System Is The Leading Cause Of Deaths And Injuries In The United States Today” by Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, Md; And Dorothy Smith, PhD (August, 2006).
- “Can Electron Microscopy Resolve The HIV Battle?” — Dr. Étienne de Harven interviewed by Celia Farber (June 20, 2013).
- “You Cannot Catch Bugs, Germs, Bacteria, Or Candida/Fungi” by Bee Wilder (April 3, 2015).
- “Dismantling The Virus Theory” by Stefan Lanka (June, 2015) (PDF).
- “Polio Free Does Not Mean Paralysis Free” by N. Gopal Raj (Updated July 25, 2016).
- “Pleomorphism And Germ Theory Explained” By Elizabeth Clemons (November 3, 2017)
- “How a ‘Toxic Cocktail’ Is Posing a Troubling Health Risk in China’s Cities” by Fred Pearce (April 17, 2018).
- “Misinterpretation Virus II: Beginning And End Of The Corona Crisis” by Stefan Lanka (February, 2020) (PDF).
- “35 Sources Showing The Covid19 / Corona Virus Is Over-Hyped, And Likely Fraud” by Jason Hommel (March 11, 2020).
- “The Deception Of Virology And Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious” (March 25, 2020).
- “Deep Down the Virus Rabbit Hole” (March 31, 2020) and “The Misconception Called Virus” (July 24, 2020) by Makia Freeman.
- “Covid-19: A Case For Medical Detectives” (May 2, 2020) and Covid-19 Q&A, by Wolfgang Wodarg.
- “Corona Paper KM4” (Leaked Report On The Germon Response To The Pandemic), summary with translations by Paul Charles Gregory (May 7, 2020).
- “Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy” by Russell Blaylock, MD (May 11, 2020).
- “The Worst Is Yet to Come: Contact Tracing, Immunity Cards and Mass Testing” by John W. Whitehead (May 12, 2020).
- “Bill Gates’ Charity Paradox” by Tim Schwab (The Nation, March 17, 2020).
- “Germ Theory: The Lynchpin Holding The Entire Hoax Together” collected by Tommy Tree Hutchinson (May 16, 2020).
- “The 36 Year Scam Revealed” by Derek Knauss (May 18, 2020).
- “Questions For Lockdown Apologists” by John Pospichal (May 24, 2020).
- “When Profits And Politics Drive Science: The Hazards Of Rushing A Vaccine At ‘Warp Speed’” by Ellen Brown (June 4, 2020).
- “Nursing Homes Shocked At ‘Insanely Wrong’ CMS Data On COVID-19” by Cheryl Clark (June 9, 2020).
- “The Pandemic Illusion And Global Governance” by Kevin Galalae (June 10, 2020).
- “The Physiological Burden Of Prolonged PPE Use On Healthcare Workers During Long Shifts” by Jon Williams, PhD; Jaclyn Krah Cichowicz, MA; Adam Hornbeck, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, FNP-C; Jonisha Pollard, MS, CPE; and Jeffrey Snyder, MSN, CRNP (June 10, 2020).
- “Masks Don’t Work: A Review Of Science Relevant To Covid-19 Social Policy” by Denis G. Rancourt, PhD (June 11, 2020) and “Still No Conclusive Evidence Justifying Mandatory Masks” by Todd McGreevy (August 12, 2020).
- “Sweden Did In Fact Lock Down When It Came To Care Homes” by David Crowe (June 20, 2020).
- “Federal Bill Proposes Covid-19 Testing, Tracing, And Quarantine Of Americans” by Carolyn Hendler, JD (June 29, 2020).
- “Two German Professors Expose The Junk Lockdown Science” by Stefan Homburg And Christof Kuhbandner (June 29, 2020).
- “Where The COVID19 Cases Come From, Virus Isolation Myths And PCR Technology” (June/July, 2020).
- “Busted: 11 Covid Assumptions Based On Fear Not Fact” by Makia Freeman (July 2, 2020).
- “‘No One Has Died From The Coronavirus’: Important Revelations Shared By Dr. Stoian Alexov, President Of The Bulgarian Pathology Association” by Rosemary Frei And Patrick Corbett (July 2, 2020).
- “Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI” by Derrick Broze (July 7, 2020).
- “Masks: Have You Been Captured By This Psyop?” by Kelly Brogan, MD (July 8, 2020).
- “UK Government Panicking As Fraudulent Covid Death Count Is Revealed” (July 17, 2020).
- “Is Coronavirus Contagious?” by Sally Fallon Morell (July 18, 2020).
- “Covid-19 Rogues’ Gallery” by Merinda Teller, MPH, PhD (July 20, 2020).
- “If COVID Fatalities Were 90.2% Lower, How Would You Feel About Schools Reopening?” by H. Ealy, M. McEvoy, M. Sava, S. Gupta, D. Chong, D. White, J. Nowicki, P. Anderson (July 24, 2020).
- “Pseudo-Epidemics: Why COVID-19 Is Guaranteed To Never End” by Mike Hearn (July 27, 2020).
- “The Hocus ‘Science’ Behind Lockdown” And “The Vaccine Swindle” by Barry Norris (July 27, 2020).
- “AstraZeneca To Be Exempt From Coronavirus Vaccine Liability Claims In Most Countries” (July 30, 2020).
- “Virologists“, by Stefan Lanka (August, 2020) (also in PDF).
- “We Cannot Catch Viruses!” (August 6, 2020).
- “‘We Have A Lot Of Evidence That It’s A Fake Story All Over The World’: German Doctors On COVID-19” by Arjun Walla (August 17, 2020).
- “Australian Government Department Of Health Has No Record Of A ‘COVID-19 Virus’ Isolated From Any Human On The Planet” by Fluoride-Free Peel (August 24, 2020).
- “Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive; Maybe It Shouldn’t Be” by By Apoorva Mandavilli (August 29, 2020).
- “COVID: Why Terminology Really, Really Matters” by Malcolm Kendrick (September 4, 2020).
- “How Likely Is A Second Wave?” by Paul Kirkham, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Barry Thomas (September 7, 2020) and “Former Chief Science Officer For Pfizer Says ‘Second Wave’ Faked On False-positive COVID Tests, ‘Pandemic Is Over’” by Ralph Lopez (Updated October 7, 2020).
- “Government Innumeracy” by James Ferguson (September 12, 2020).
- “All You Need To Know About COVID Testing” by Jon Garvey (September 18, 2020).
- “The Invented Pandemic, The Lack Of Virus Isolation, And The Invalid Covid-19 Test” by Stefano Scoglio (September 25, 2020).
- “Covid-19 (Excess) Mortalities: Viral Cause Impossible: Drugs With Key Role In About 200,000 Extra Deaths In Europe And The U.S. Alone” by Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein, MD (October 1, 2020).
- “Scoop: Govt Scientist Exposes COVID-19 Hospital Beds Scam” by Andy Rowlands (October 3, 2020).
- “While The Poor Get Sick, Bill Gates Just Gets Richer” by Tim Schwab (October 5, 2020).
- “One Of Europe’s Leading Neurologists Claims Masks Are Dangerous & Explains Why” by Arjun Walia (October 7, 2020).
- “Interview With An NHS Nurse: ‘Where’s The Challenge? Where’s The Crisis? Where’s This Covid?‘” by Will Jones (October 10, 2020).
- “The Folly Of ‘New Cases’: War, Deception, And The Crux Of Covid-19” by Greg Nigh (October 10, 2020).
- “Death By Lockdown” by Tom Woods (October 13, 2020).
- “Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ The ‘Virus’” by Tom Cowan (October 15, 2020).
- “A Laboratory-Created Pandemic Of PCR Testing” by John C.A. Manley (October 22, 2020).
- “That Mask Is Giving You Lung Cancer” by Guy Crittenden (October 23, 2020).
- “COVID-19: Evidence Of Global Fraud” by Iain Davis (November 17, 2020).
- “Cost of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report” by American Institute For Economic Research (November 18, 2020).
- “We Are In A False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic” — Dr. Clare Craig interviewed by Alex McCarron (Updated November 18, 2020).
- “Post-Lockdown Sars-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Screening In Nearly Ten Million Residents Of Wuhan, China” (November 20, 2020).
- “Facemasks In The COVID-19 Era: A Health Hypothesis” by Baruch Vainshelboim (November 22, 2020).
- “The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic” by Dr. Mike Yeadon (November 30, 2020).
- “Former Pfizer Science Officer Reveals Great Covid-19 Scam” by Dr. Joseph Mercola (December 2, 2020).
- “Ten Fatal Errors: Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR-Driven Lockdown” by Celia Farber (December 3, 2020).
- “Covid: The Gritty Details (Or Pandemic 101)” by Eric Francis (December 8, 2020).
- “Nucleic Acid Testing Technologies That Use RT-PCR For Detection Of SARS-Cov-2” — WHO Information Notice (December 14, 2020).
- “The Great Covid Class War” by Alex Gutentag (December 16, 2020).
- “Has The Evidence Of Asymptomatic Spread Of Covid-19 Been Significantly Overstated?” by Dr. Clare Craig and Jonathan Engler (December 19, 2020).
- “University Of Florida Researchers Find No Asymptomatic Or Presymptomatic Spread” by Len Cabrera (December 22, 2020).
- “Mask Harms In Kids: 68% Of Parents Report Alarming Psychological And Physical Problems In First-Of-Its-Kind Study” (January 2, 2021).
- “Phantom Virus: In Search Of SARS-CoV-2” by Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Stefan Scoglio, and Konstantin Demeter (January 31, 2021).
- “Review Of Scientific Reports Of Harms Caused By Face Masks, Up To February 2021” by D.G. Rancourt (February, 2021).
- “The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a ‘Test’ To Lock Down Society” by Dr. Pascal Sacre (February 4, 2021).
- The Richie Allen Show.
- Atlantic Underground.
- Ray Brown.
- The Conscious Resistance.
- Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends.
- The Corbett Report.
- Crazz Files: Exposing The Dark Truth Of Our World.
- The Crowhouse (Max Igan).
- The Doctor Within and Dr. Tim O’Shea.
- The Dollar Vigilante (Jeff Berwick).
- Escape From Lockdown.
- Fakeologist.
- The Fat Emperor (Ivor Cummins).
- General Knowledge.
- Gold, Goats, and Guns (Tom Luongo).
- Good Vibrations.
- How Positive Are You?
- Ice Age Farmer (Christian Westbrook).
- The Infectious Myth (David Crowe).
- Jerm Warfare.
- Dr. Tommy John.
- The Last American Vagabond: The Daily Wrap-Up | Interviews | Radio Show.
- Live Free Now (John Bush).
- Lockdown TV.
- Living Outside The Matrix.
- London Real (Brian Rose).
- Outside The Box (Jason Liosatos).
- Red Scare.
- Richie From Boston.
- The Shift (Doug McKenty).
- The Tenpenny Files (Dr. Sherri Tenpenny).
- Triggernometry.
- Truthiverse.
- Truthstream Media.
- Unsafe Space (Harry Vox).
- USA Watchdog (Greg Hunter).
- Valuetainment (Patrick Bet-David).
- Vibe.
- Western Women Save The World (Reinette Senum).
- What Then Must We Do?
- The Whistleblower Newsroom.
- Wise Traditions.
- The Tom Woods Show.
Please report any dead links — the social networks are censoring like no tomorrow these days. Tip: To get rid of those nasty, dirty, stinky advertisements, install Play Store alternative F-Droid onto your phone; and, from there, the You Tube emulation app Newpipe. Or, on your laptop or desktop, the Firefox extension AdBlocker For You Tube.
- “The Myth Of Contagion” a discussion with T.C. Fry (1989).
- “The Germ Theory Deception” by Alex Loglia (1993): Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4. Also: “Vaccinations” audio and transcript.
- “Deadly Deception” Lecture: Dr. Robert E. Willner MD, PHD (1994).
- “Bryan Ellison Speaks Out On The AIDS Scam” (1995) and interviewed by George Williams (1995).
- Kary Mullis interviewed by Gary Null (May, 1996).
- “Contra The Aids Orthodoxy: A Tale Of Political Correctness In The Natural Sciences” (May, 2009).
- UK Column Live: Interview with Dr. Patrick Quanten (October 6, 2014).
- “Fallacies in Modern Medicine: The HIV/AIDS Hypothesis” (2015). (Also, an essay based upon this talk.)
- Dr. Robert O. Young ITNJ Testimony (November, 2019).
- “Police State Contagion: U.S. Plan To Use Bioweapons To Impose Martial Law One Quarantine At A Time” — Harry Vox interviewed by Paul DeRienzo (January 28, 2020). (Full 2014 interview here.)
- “Coronavirus Tomfoolery: How The Virus Lie Is Created” by Amandha Vollmer (February 2, 2020).
- “There Are No Viruses” — James McCumiskey interviewed by David Crowe (February 12, 2020).
- Jeff G.: “Viral Misconceptions — Presentation On The True Nature Of Viruses” — audio presentation and audio and print interviews by Alana Fournet (April 1, 2020) and “Vaccine Dangers/The Current Situation” (July 18, 2020).
- The Creation Of A False Epidemic, by Jon Rappoport (April 1 – May 28, 2020): Parts 1-3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6.
- Thomas Cowan: “Coronavirus Fear, Germ Theory, Exosomes, and Resiliency” (March 15, 2020) and “A Lesson On Logic” (May 17, 2020).
- “Medical Martial Law 2020” by James Corbett (March 21, 2020).
- “Anatomy Of Covid-19” by Dr. Andrew Kaufman (April 1, 2020) and Coronavirus Truth with Whitney Webb and Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Interviews by Donald Jeffries (April 16, 2020).
- Robert Kennedy Junior on Thomas Paine podcast (April 15, 2020) and interviewed by Patrick Bet-David (May 3, 2020).
- “Is The Virus Test Valid?” — David Crowe interviewed by Steve Stars and Aetheric Dave (April 20, 2020).
- “Is The Germ Theory Still Valid?” — Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Derrick Broze.
- “Unmasking The Lies Around Covid-19: Facts vs. Fiction Of The Coronavirus Pandemic“: Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Brian Rose (April 27, 2020).
- “A Malignant Crisis That Is Entirely Driven By Misinformation“: Wolfgang Wodarg interviewed by Stefan Noordhoek (May 5, 2020).
- “COVID-19, Viruses, Testing, And Scientific Dogma” — David Crowe interviewed by Jacob Gossel (May 7, 2020).
- “Doctor Blows Whistle On Medical System And ‘Pandemic’“: Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Brendan Murphy (May 17, 2020).
- “Questioning The Existence Of The Pandemic” — David Crowe interviewed by Aditya Sangore (May 27, 2020).
- “COVID-19 Is Just Smoke And Mirrors“: Thomas Cowan interviewed by Patrick Timpone (June 9, 2020).
- Zach Bush interviewed by Del Bigtree (June 15, 2020).
- Celia Farber interviewed by Gary Null (July 1, 2020).
- “Whether There’s A Virus, Whether The Test For It Works, And More” — Dr. Thomas Cowan interviewed by Robyn Openshaw (July 08, 2020).
- “Your Body, Their Choice” — The Corbett Report #382 (July 18, 2020).
- “What Are The Facts About Masks?” Denis Rancourt interviewed by Joseph Mercola (July 19, 2020).
- “The Global Elite And The Coronavirus Coup D’Etat” Patrick Wood interviewed by Spiro Skouras (July 20, 2020).
- “The Frankenstein Viral Genome Sequence Fraud” — Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Jason Liosatos (July 23, 2020).
- Vaccine Debate: Kennedy, Jr. vs. Dershowitz (July 23, 2020).
- “Medical Myths: From Germ Theory to Covid-19” — Thomas Cowan interviewed by The Social Critic (August 1, 2020). (Also at Big Brother.)
- “Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan Talk Masks” — interviewed by Reinette Senum (August 10, 2020).
- “Dr. Thomas Cowan MD Flips The Medical Model On Its Head” — interviewed by Aubrey Marcus (August 19, 2020).
- “CDC Controversies With Covid Death Statistics Reporting” — Joy M. Fritz interviewed by Sayer Ji (September 5, 2020).
- “Operation Moonshot And The Manipulation Of Humanity” by Andrew Kaufman and David Icke (October 1, 2020).
- “Vaccines, Hydrogel, And Secret Government Programs” Dr. Carrie Madej interviewed by Andrew Kaufman (October 1, 2020).
- “Crushing And Silencing Doctors Of Conscience” — Doctors For Open Debate interviewed by Michael Welch (October 2, 2020).
- “Crimes Against Humanity: The German Corona Investigation” (with transcript), by Reiner Fuellmich (October 3, 2020).
- “Mask Whistleblowers Tell All” — Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan interviewed by Del Bigtree (October 8, 2020).
- “The Virus That Isn’t There” — Jon Rappoport interviewed by Adam from Crazz Files (October 13, 2020).
- “The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia” by Tom Woods (October 14, 2020).
- “The Contagion Myth” — Dr. Thomas Cowan interviewed by Doug McKenty (October 20, 2020).
- “Crimes Against Humanity” — Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by Sverige Granskas (October 26, 2020).
- “Private Prosecutions Of British MPs” — Michael O’Bernicia interviewed by Mark Devlin (October 27, 2020) and November 5, 2020 update.
- “Crimes Against Humanity” — Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by John Cooper (November 5, 2020).
- “Legal Challenges To Covid And Censorship” — Rocco Galati interviewed by Doug McKenty (November 10, 2020).
- “The Biggest Lawsuit In The History Of The World” — Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by Dr. Tommy John (November 11, 2020).”
- “Are We Being Told the Truth About COVID-19?” — Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi interviewed by Konstantin Kisin and Frances Foster (November 12, 2020).
- “German Lawyer Sues The World Over Coronavirus” — Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by Patrick Bet-David (November 13, 2020).
- “Who Won…Biden, Trump, Or The Biosecurity State?” — Ryan Cristián interviewed by Geopolitics And Empire (November 13, 2020).
- “Covid-19 Deaths: A Look At U.S. Data” by Genevieve Briand (November 14, 2020).
- “Operation Warp Speed: A Technocratic Chess Piece?” — Whitney Webb interviewed by Joseph Mercola (November 15, 2020).
- “Authentic Medicine, The Covid Deception, And The Perils Of Germ Theory” — Andrew Kaufman interviewed by John Bush (December 14, 2020).
- “On The Suspension Of His Medical License 5 Days After His Vaxxed Vs. Unvaxxed Study Was Published” — Dr. Paul Thomas interviewed by Bretigne Shaffer (December 16, 2020).
- “Why Food Shortages May Define The Future” — Christian Westbrook interviewed by Christ Martenson (December 16, 2020).
- “‘Reset’ Means Digital Control System” — Catherine Austin Fitts interviewed by Greg Hunter (December 22, 2020).
- “Covid-1984” — Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Michael O’Bernicia (December 23 2020).
- “Isolates, Funds, And The Search For The Truth” — Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Samuel Eckert and Naomi Seibt (December 24th, 2020).
- “Vaccines And Big Pharma” — Charlie Robinson interviewed by Paul Aguilar (December 26, 2020).
- Reiner Fuellmich interviewed for Planet Lockdown (December 30, 2020).
- “It’s Gene Therapy, Not A Vaccine” — Dr. David Martin interviewed by Hilda Gore (January 25, 2021).
- “Germs, Covid-19, And Vaccines” — Dr. Larry Palevsky interviewed by Tommy John (February 10, 2021).
- Reiner Fuellmich on Viruswaarheid Live Extra (March 4, 2021).
- “Virus Isolation, Terrain Theory, And COVID-19” Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Ryan Cristian (March 5, 2021).
- Debunking Virology with Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and Dr. Stefano Scoglio (March 8, 2021).
Saying hello. I read more your travel blogs than the disease stuff. Your links are of course informative should I ever wish to put my head back into it.