Will The Real Chiang Rai Please Stand Up?

[dc]A[/dc]s of Friday night, my first day in Chiang Rai, I was of the belief that I had unwittingly stumbled into an yet-undiscovered durianopolistic paradise. For, it had been on that night that I had eaten the very greatest Durian ever to have passed my lips; purchased from a smiling and affable vendor at the bustling evening Market.

Meanwhile, I had earlier in the day downed some insanely delicious Lychees. Moreover, the cukes were great as well. I’d come for the Black and White temples; but was beginning to think that the more fun would be attained in the eating than in the templing.

But then, over the course of the next three days; that smiling and affable Durian vendor never showed up to the market – neither morning nor eve. And while there were some other Durian vendors; nary was a single ripe fruit to be found. Yesterday, Tuesday, however, the smiling and affable vendor had returned; at whose stall I discovered two fruits that were close to being ready. Okay; this is good. And they were quite good.

There’s another vendor – this one a smiling and affable lady – selling the best Watermelons in all of Asia (at least that I’ve tasted); and priced to move, no less. But she’s the only Watermelon vendor in town; and, much like the Durian vendor, keeps an erratic Market schedule.

As for the Lychees, there seems to be an inverse relationship between price and quality. “Well then,” you may be speculating, “just get the cheap ones! What’s the issue?” The issue is, I must warn you, that the vendors selling the heavenly/inexpensive Lychees: they too display a dismaying tendency to go missing just when they’re needed most (i.e., when I’m frickin’ hungry as, and only the mighty Lychee will truly satisfy).

As far as the Mangoes and Mangosteens go, I only this very evening found some ripened examples of the latter (so insanely good!), but still no luck with the former. The Longkongs have been reliable and abundant – but more expensive that those in Bangkok.

So the jury’s still out on the Chaing Rai fruit scene. But it’s certainly got more potential than I’d have expected for such a fairly small town as it is.

[dc]N[/dc]o similar ambiguity, however, concerning its apparent status as Southeast Asia’s Mecca of Metal. Happened, on Saturday after returning from the Black Temple, upon a Battle Of The Bands programme in progress down at the mall. All High School kids, I think maybe.


Anyhow, this band were just killing me dead with the Metal prowess; and so I thought to go ahead and record the next song. But instead, ‘twas the set’s conclusion; and all that was left to it was for them to stand there repeating, “Yes, sir; no, sir; thank you very much, sir,” at the judges’ analyses. The emcee’s reactions are pretty hilarious, I think you’ll agree.


I’d read that the Sunday Walking Street – at which the street is closed to traffic, and trinkets, handicrafts, and foods are offered for sale – includes a number of different traditional musical performers along the length of its stroll.

Certainly there were some of these. For example, ever seen this instrument before? I definitely had not!

But there was also a stage devoted, again, to youngsters cranking out the high-decibel Heavy Metal musics! Watched this one very good act soundchecking for about twenty minutes or so before finally wandering off under the assumption that their set proper was never going to begin.

Okay, then Monday was the conclusion of the Battle Of The Bands competition. When I showed up — having returned to town from the White Temple this time — it was more endless soundchecking. These Metal kids here are soundchecking fiends!


It was good enough to make me want to stick around all the way through to the end of the soundcheck.

But then, once they’d finished soundchecking, instead of ripping into their set, they ceded the stage to a different band to itself come up and soundcheck! Sheesh! So I took my leave then; but duly impressed at the Chiang Rai kids’ Metal chops.

Sunday night, incidentally, at the Night Market (kinda like the Walking Street, only different), was this pretty good trio.

In fact, before this number, they played as just a duo, without the singer. I actually preferred this arrangement.

[dc]T[/dc]he in-town temples, much like those in Chiang Mai, are very beautiful – and old as the hills. Helpful signs in some of the more historic ones give clues as to the temples’ role in the city’s upbringing.





I’d known, in broad outline, the story of the Emerald Buddha; but had not known that Chiang Rai had been the site of its rediscovery. Also had not known, when booking here, that the Guest House would be easily within gonging-distance of said Buddha’s old home.

I’ve not seen the original, despite having spent many a week in Bangkok before now. Judging by the replica, I’d be pretty meh if/when I did do. The murals in the building housing the replica are guh-reat! However, they’re locked away behind glass, and have these kooky green lights reflecting. That’s murder on the photographing; but they’re so good that we ought to have a look all the same.


There’s a museum on the grounds as well, in a very nice building. A monk in there during my visit explained to me that the building’s only about ten years old; and related to me many other little tidbits besides. Some monks are friendlier than others; this one was one of the friendliest.

But there was another super-cool monk on these grounds (a few days later) as well. I quite liked this image, the monk with his novices in tow as like a mother and her goslings.


When he seen me going for the photographic preservation, he halted the troupe…


…and bade the littlest of the novices to strike a pose for the farang’s camera. Love the contrast with his companions’ informality!


Anyhow, back to the museum; I must say that I prefer the Buddha images in here to the main attraction over across the way. These two, especially, I think quite nice.



In point of fact, if it were only the Buddha images, I’d be rather so-so on the temples. I myself am more hot for the design and artistry of the buildings — and, of course, the murals. But some Buddha images do catch my notice.

Also housed in the museum was this dude. You know, it’s quite a service he offers; what with the time-is-money nature of to-day’s hustle/bustle world, and all.


Went to go up this hill here to see what there was to see, and ran smack into this procession of novices. Probably just getting out of school, I guess. I was saying Hi to them and whatever; and one of them cracked me up pretty good by indicating my shaved head and noting, “Same same.”


Over at Wat Phra Singh, a brand new hall knocked me sideways with its beauty.


It’s so new, in fact, that the inside walls have yet to be painted. The muralist was there when I visited, busy getting ready to do just this.

As I was checking out the Buddhamobile…


…the muralist showed me, from a book he had on him, the Buddha image which is going to be located inside. I asked him where the image is currently residing; but he said he didn’t know. He thinks it’s pretty old, though. (The Buddha, I mean. Well, perhaps the location is, too…)

He told me to go and have a look-see at the old temple hall, too. I assured him that it was on my agenda. It’s awesome, too; but not as awesome as the new one (if one were to ask  me, that is).


On Saturday, returning to town from the Black Temple, this one on the way caught my attention.


Don’t think I’ve before seen any Naga in light-blue; and am quite sure I’ve not seen silver, rather than gold, used in this manner. But heading inside while fiddling with something or other, was completely gob-smacked when I looked up to see this enormous marble-coloured Buddha.


I’m always taken by surprise when I see one of these gigantic Buddhas, even when I’m expecting to. But when I’m not expecting anything of the sort, that first glimpse of it really throws me for a loop! Even notwithstanding its size, I found this particular Buddha most handsome indeed – though he didn’t seem to take well to photography.

The temple which comes closest to achieving the Chiang Mai temples’ soul-lifting serenity is Wat Klang Wiang. I couldn’t even get inside ‘til my third visit; as it was always closed. But something was telling me to keep checking. That something was right (not that the quality shows up in photos, natch).




There’s also a pretty nice mosque in town.


[dc]I[/dc] quite like Chiang Rai. If it would be possible to destroy all the fucking motorcycles, it would be so much the better still.

The clock tower here was designed by the same dude as is responsible for the White Temple. It’s the most beautiful I’ve seen in Thailand (many of the towns are outfitted with one); although it’s almost impossible to achieve a shot of which is unobstructed by advertising.


Can’t even recall where I seen this sign; but, I’m down.


Thailand seems to have something of a Christmas obsession, one may have noted. Here’s the top of a  card table for sale at one of the shoppes.


Yesterday, Tuesday, a funny thing happened on the way to this one teeny-tiny park near here to do some juggling and eating watermelon. It hadn’t rained in a few days; and this day was particularly hot, it seemed. I was sweating in buckets – nay, it was a river of sweat, just pouring out of me. I got to thinking, “Whatever happened to the clouds? Ain’t this supposed to be the rainy season?”

At this moment, I noticed that there were some clouds moving near. Some very, very, very dark clouds indeed. I adjudged that there’d be no time for juggling; and opted therefore to wolf down the watermelon straight away. After doing, walked back to the guest house with some purpose — but barely just enough!

Less than a minute after my having gained shelter, the heavens let forth with a complete walloping. Yoy, that had been a close call! A fine walloping it was, too; surely the finest since my first night in Nong Khai, way back in March.

Gotta love rainy season. This-here establishment has worked out a cool Hollywood-style method of letting the “rain” continue long after  the rain has stopped. If one is so inclined, as this gentleman was so inclined, one may have a sit and continue watching the “rain”, pretending that the storm is still going strong. (It’s kind of a fun option with which to be presented, is all I’m saying.)

The aerobics session here is very small; only a dozen or so participants. But I think the music is the second-best of any town’s, next to Lumphini’s. It’s held at the aforementioned teeny-tiny park – located, incidentally, adjacent the Chiang Rai Train Library, if you would believe it. (I mean to say: both if you would believe that this is where aerobics is…a-hah!, I almost wrote “conducted”; but will instead go with…held, and also that there is such a thing as the Chiang Rai Train Library. It’s housed in railway cars.)

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The White And The Black

Part I: Cobra-Snake For A Necktie

[dc]W[/dc]oke the dimpled ass up early on Saturday, my first morning in Chiang Rai, to get a bicycle and wheel it up to the tantalisingly-monikered “Black Temple”.

If one would recall my having, whilst in Nong Khiaw, met a Vancouverite during the hike up to one of the Pathet Lao caves there. She told me about the so-called “Black Temple” and “White Temple”, located in Chiang Rai. Though she’d not herself been, her vague-but-enthusiastic second-hand description had had me wanting, since that day, to get here and see what they were all about.

The Baandam Museum, as it’s officially known, is in point of fact the residence of Thailand National Artist Thawan Duchanee.


Arriving to his pad was a bit trickier than the Wikitravel entry had made it out to be. My fault really, for having taken a tad too literally the direction to — after having traveled a certain number of metres from the main road — turn onto a “small” soi; and thus passing by the road on which the museum is located, ‘cause it was a little bit bigger than I thought a “small” soi should be.

So this led to me getting lost, and asking directions from locals. In typical Thai fashion, they were all very friendly and willing help out. Also in typical Thai fashion, they were all pointing me in different directions. But finally got it all straightened out; and have since clarified the Wikitravel directions (in case you, like me, can tend toward the pedantic).

The museum is comprised of many structures of varying size, with the one theme in common: the colour black. Hence, the name. Oh, also in common is the stunning beauty of the structures.






Clearly, we are in the presence of a true master. Entering into the workshop (housed in the largest of the grounds’ buildings), however, one begins to realise that while we may be privileged to have entered into his sway, we’re not going to be able to have done so without paying for it.

The carvings on the massive doors and the dozen or so totem poles situated just inside the entrance, as well as many of the paintings informally arrayed here and about, begin to lift Pandora’s lid…




…while the display tables to the rear of the hall prise it open still further…


…and a couple moments’ peeking inside the first few buildings along the walking path explode it into a trillion pieces.






With the exception of a few buildings housing Buddhist shrines, the theme repeats throughout one’s hour-or-so-long journey ‘round the park.







There are a few touches of whimsy along the way…




…and even a few horses lazing it about over in one corner. But mostly, it’s an all-out bludgeoning.

Though one will search in vain the artist’s website for a statement to the effect, I can’t but believe that the intent is to present some kind of commentary regarding our culture’s mad obsession with meat, and the utterly casual cruelty with which we set about obtaining it. Anyway, that’s my interpretation; maybe you’ve a different?

Certainly the giggling Japanese tourists gathering after their tour for photo-ops under the entrance sign seemed to have experienced something more akin to a stroll through Disneyland than having witnessed a horrifically disturbed visionary reflection of the times in which we live.

The gift shop, incidentally, is almost as out-of-the-gourd as the museum proper.





The attached gallery, at least, includes some touching works depicting human/animal symbiosis (or something like).


Not nearly so much fun as Nong Khai’s Sala Kaew Ku, but surely more important; the Black Temple, whatever its meaning, is a major achievement of the imagination. Both a harrowing and an exhilarating experience, it must be seen to be believed. Like Sala Kaew Ku, it ought to be a shortlist-destination of any Southeast-Asian itinerary.

Part II: Angel Or Devil, I Don’t Care

[dc]U[/dc]pon arriving to-day, Monday, via city bus, to its location, I discovered that the “White Temple”, Wat Rong Khun, on the other hand, is already a fairly major tourist destination. It’s the life work, in fact, of a student of Duchanee’s; and is not slated for completion until 2070.

This one plays much more lightly on the psyche. Not to say that it’s not at all polemical; but the somewhat demonic imagery threwn in for good measure is pretty easily digestible, while war-is-bad undertones shouldn’t be terribly controversial – even if the massive mural the back of the temple hall does imply that the “War On Terror” is all about oil and the gallery painting depicting Bush and Osama riding gaily together about the heavens atop a miniature rocket-ship does appear to be the artist’s calling of bullshit upon the “Clash Of Civilisations”.

Anyhow, the tourists turn up in droves – as well they should, for the “White Temple” (officially named Wat Rong Khun) is as staggering a smorgasbord for the eyes as is its diametrically-hued cousin. Presumably inspired by the Dr. Zhivago Ice Palace, the nickname is, well, not un-deserved:




But applying the camera’s sepiatone filter gives an interesting twist as well.


Either way you shade it, it’s a pretty miraculous scene. There’re other structures on the grounds, too (and more on the way – hence the proposed 2070 completion-date).






The one building breaking the colour rule is, you guessed it…


…the shitter.

The temple’s interior is actually pretty small. The shrine’s nice, and the gigantic murals, already mentioned, are spectacular and weird. Alas!, photo-taking was forbidden inside the  temple — nor was it permitted inside the “Hall Of Masterwork”.


The gallery houses works of painting, drawing, and sculpture from throughout Kositpipat’s career. They’re compelling, beautiful, and surreal. Also a few bizarre installations about the grounds.


Not as depraved as the Black Temple, but also not as candyfloss as it may at first appear, the White is another landmark artistic statement of purpose. Just what is in the water here, I wonder?

You want more photos? It’s your lucky day! They’re there in the “Chiang Rai Temples” Flickr set.

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Temptress Of The North

[dc]A[/dc]lready at my fourth different guest house since arriving in Chiang Mai! Told before now of the first night’s debacle. Although the staff at the next seemed fairly aloof, I liked the space quite a bit; and ended up serving out the three-day maximum term. After which, decided on a lark to stop by Chada House to see if the dorm renovation had been completed. Was shocked and elated that it had been (though didn’t notice anything different about it).

After checking in, went out gallivanting; only to be upon my return informed that any future gallivantings would be required to be performed with shoes – else I would no longer be welcomed there. I mean, I love the people (only a few guests in the dorm my one night there, but were mucho interesting) and the place and all. But a man’s gotta maintain certain limits.

So now here I am at the fourth location. So far, I like it. The dog here is called “Milo”; so every time I see it, I call out, “Milo Minderbinder!” I feel like there must be a more famous “Milo” than Milo Minderbinder…but damned if I can think of one.

But you shan’t believe what they’ve got here:


Hoe-dad in the guest house, y’all! Shouldn’t be surprised, actually. I recall Ginger John had once told a story about his hoe-dad exploits while visiting India. The locals were laughing their asses off at him when he went to use one; but he learned them good what he’s all about with hoe-dad in hand. They were singing the skinny white dude’s praises after that! (Er, but the point of the story is that the hoe-dad is, I think, pretty well-known and -loved here in Asia.)

[dc]O[/dc]n the temples front, have been concentrating on visiting ones outside the moat, and it’s been going spankingly well. The first one I came to, on Friday, was totally bizarre. I don’t at all understand what in the Hell they’re doing here with all this string; but, shit, I think I like it.






Next up was Wat Buppharam, and this…say, do you wanna know a secret? Tell you a goddam secret, if you’re curious to know. Wat Buppharam, whose name I’ve only just learned, was the very genesis of it all. This humble little temple here — which I noticed on my first visit, whilst walking from the train station to the guest house – is what really piqued my interest. It somehow seemed so much more authentic than Bangkok’s mega-palaces; and I thought to give this temple thing a try.


There it is! There be the culprit. See, previously having only visited temples inside the moat, I’d not ‘til now actually called in at the one on whose shoulders it all rests…and it turns out to be on the very short list of my favourite temples. Not so much for this structure, however. While great, it’s the modern structure on the same grounds (this small one is 600 years old, or something) which knocks the socks off.

Every time one looks at it, from whichever angle, is to be stupefied and amazed. This thing rocks its world, inside and out, upstairs and down.









Want some friendly temple advice?


Friday afternoon, had an awkward moment while juggling in the park. The proprietress of the first guest house, who happened to be there lazing, saw me and called out, “Hey! Don’t you remember me? Durian??”

I hadn’t even seen her, let alone remembered. But now she knew that I was still in town, though no longer staying in her establishment. I dunno, maybe guest-house-owners don’t give a shit about stuff like that. Hopefully not, as she’s rather a nice human person; and I never wanted to hurt their feelings any.

Oh, Chanthaburi may be the all-time weirdest place in Thailand; but it doesn’t stop Chiang Mai pulling its own weight, too.


Saturday, attempted to break on through to Doi Suthep, a very popular temple up on the mountain. Apparently the exact location was chosen by an elephant. You’re supposed to get a sawngthaew out at the moat, for 100 Baht for the round-trip.

So I went there waiting, the first to show for this particular trip. The drivers don’t depart until ten people are confirmed. It’s the reason I chose Saturday morning; assuming the wait would only be ten or fifteen minutes. But after one hour’s time, not only were there not ten people confirmed, there were not even two people. The driver was doing his best to try to drum up business, too; but for some reason in vain.

Sunday, tried it again; and there were three people waiting when I arrived  — same driver. He offered to take the four of us for 120 Baht, if we’d permit him to fill the truck up on the way back down. We were cool with that, so off we zoomed.

It was myself, a German couple, and New Yorker who’d been traveling with them for a few weeks. He certainly lived up to the New York mile-a-minute-talking stereotype. Super-nice and interesting guy, though. He studied Thai for a month before coming to Asia, and has been practicing away since his arrival. He’s off to Laos soon, and took a particular shine to my suggestion to stop in Nong Khiaw, and get the slow boat to Luang Prabang.

As far as the temple went: yeah, great space, in an awesome setting. There’s a big deal made of the 309 steps (I think it is) to get up to the Temple grounds from the street.


I thought it seemed like a lot fewer than 309 steps, however. Here’re the Temple Rules. That last one cracks me up. What? They’ve had issues with people getting down and rolling around in the dirt?


Huhn – maybe that’s why the ground around the various structures is all tiled over: visitors just would not keep clean (or what).


In the kind of landing-area between the top of the steps and the inner grounds stands a jakfruit tree. Never seen so many jakfruit on a single tree before now!


These ringing bells lend a nice touch to the look-see at the valley below.

Well, what can one say? The structures and murals kick ass!




This mural, though, is more than a little frightening.


And if you don’t like the colour “gold”, Suthep is probably not your kind of a place.


You don’t believe how close I came, as per the sign on the left’s instructions, to penning in “Keyser Soze” here. What, ultimately, stopped me from doing? Why, fear of being deported and missing out the remainder of the Thai Durian season, of course! No, really.


Longest Naga in the World? Probably not, I guess. But it’s gotta be in the running.


True to his word, the driver filled the truck up on the way back down. There were even two dudes hanging off the back all the way into town.


And if you’ve ever wondered who’s got the best steak inside the moat? Now you know.


There’re a couple of mind-wreckingly gorgeous temples located across the northern moat to each other. Kuan Ka Ma stuns with its audacious burgundy/gold colour scheme.





Still haven’t learnt what these lion-type creatures guarding many of the temples in the Nagas’ steads are called. But this one takes the cake, I guess, with its turquoise bunghole.


Not very many murals; but they make ‘em count. You know you’re in good hands when you get to see a mural of a monk dreaming about a elephant.


If anybody’s got a translation of the text, I’d love to know it. But possibly even more interesting is not only has the little boy shat all over the seat without bothering to clean up after hisself…but, is that a piece he’s got tucked into the front of his trousers? Looks as though he’s been down this road before!


Wat Mok Lee…


…then, is…how could a series of  buildings be this beautiful, I wonder? But they are!







Funny thing is that neither of these two were even in my itinerary for that day — but they blew away the one that had been: Wat Ched Yod, highly recommended by the guidebook. Oh, the latter was nice, and all; but nothing like these two. Plus, it was way out on the so-called “superhighway”, and so took a butt-long time to get to-and-back-from again, much of which was spent battling the friggin’ traffic-pollution.

But what about this?


Is, as he appears to be, dude pointing up the direction to the toilet? If so, he’s breaking the fourth wall, isn’t he? Pretty cool, I should think!

Also at Ched Yod, some novices taking a keen interest in the repair of that-there weed-whacker.


[dc]T[/dc]he Durian, meanwhile, is pretty damned good here. Not quite up to the standard of that available in Bangkok and Chanthaburi – but also a bit more inexpensively attained. Don’t think Durian is actually grown up here in the north, but rather brought in from the central area. They bring it in in quantity, however.


A freakin’ pyramid of Durian! (If they-all were to finish it, I mean.) I suppose if it were finished, it’d be so powerful that if it fell into the wrong hands; it’d spell the end of the human project.

Still, I want to build one! This is some real Lord Of The Rings shit, man! Even the conception, the very idea of a Durian Pyramid has taken root in my being. Maybe I need to be killed dead by a Durian barrage before I finish the Pyramid off with me own two hands, and claim myself as its Master…

What is grown here, by the way, are Lychees. And let me be one to tell you: they are completely out…of…control! I think I’d even say that they maybe top Hawaii The Big Island’s. Maybe.

Down by the park, there’s a whole lineup of vendors selling exclusively Lychees, in different grades (ranging from about AAA on up to about AAAAAA – I don’t suppose these are officially designated). The higher-quality fruits are outside of my budgetary capabilities; but the samples I’ve tried have kicked my arse and taken my name. It’s okay, though, ’cause even the ostensibly run-o’-the-mill quality Lychees are pretty frickin’ rapturous.

The Mangoes here are a little more difficult to find at perfect ripeness than in Bangkok. But when one can do, they’re super-cheap, and so incredible as to almost cause one to forget all about the Durian and the Lychee. Almost.

The Mangosteens, though, don’t seem quite ripe; so have held off on those. I know I ought to try some pineapples, which’re super-abundant here (as they were in Chanthaburi); but when push comes to shove, can’t bring myself to forsake, even for a single day, the Durian/Mango/Lychee bonanza.

But lookit these enormous jakfruits! They put the prize-winning Chanthaburi jakfruits to shame.


Kinda blows one’s mind, don’t it, that those puny little stalks could keep the fruits on the tree (all from the same tree, I wonder?) long enough for the latter to become so giganticised.

[dc]T[/dc]he evening takraw matches in the park are still in effect, even though rainy season is too. I haven’t been when it’s been raining during a match. I guess when it does, they just call it a night; or wait it out in nearby pagoda. At any rate, the play is as entrancing as it had been in January.

Also in the park: who knew dragonflies would be so beautiful in black-and-white?


[dc]A[/dc]ll of which is to say: god dammit!, I love Chiang Mai so very much. Except… Except for the fucking traffic. It’s almost sapping my will to even live, even. How can the city’s residents stand for their wonderful town having been ripped asunder by the two-, three-, and four-wheeled menace? Why don’t they just have a uprising, and destroy the fucking things once and for all?

Don’t know. But awesome as this town is, I don’t think I could ever live here.

Ah, well; when the city’s about done you in, there’s still music to cure what ails ya. I’ve listened to this song about twenny thousand million times (I’ll bet); yet it still gives me chills whensoever I spin it up.

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Okay, These Are Good Points, But…

Gleen Greenwald, writing for Salon:

Virtually every time the U.S. fires a missile from a drone and ends the lives of Muslims, American media outlets dutifully trumpet in headlines that the dead were ”militants” – even though those media outlets literally do not have the slightest idea of who was actually killed. They simply cite always-unnamed “officials” claiming that the dead were “militants”. It’s the most obvious and inexcusable form of rank propaganda: media outlets continuously propagating a vital claim without having the slightest idea if it’s true.

This practice continues even though key Obama officials have been caught lying, a term used advisedly, about how many civilians they’re killing.

But Greenwald forgot the even more important issue: even those who are militants have every right to resist the U.S. military’s brutal and sadistic occupations of their countries. Not only ought this to be self-evident from a moral standpoint; but it’s also considered a legal right.

It’s been enumerated many times; one example, from the UN General Assembly, in 1982:

Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle

Greenwald ought to know better than to miss the extremely important point; even if it’s not strictly speaking germane to the issue he’s raising. Still, good on him for continuing to expose the Obama Administration’s incredible mendacity.

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Rashomonic Pretensions

[dc]O[/dc]h boy, this could be very interesting! But it’s gonna require your help… Commenter Lindsay asks:

Would you mind sharing with me a few of your most killer durian experiences?

Lindsay and her partner Rob maintain the Year Of The Durian blog, FYI. This set me to thinking, let’s have a little Rashomonic experiment, here, concerning the most infamous event in my fledgling Durian-eating career.

Aside: Rata tells me she’s been referring to me, when I’m not around, as “The Durian Master” – good lord, would that I could live up to such a lofty and noble epithet! Nobody but nobody who skips days of consumption right in the heart of the season, over such a stupid little humbug as “I got fat”, deserves to be considered anything even resembling a Durian Master.

So here’s the deal. About 90% of the readers of this blog were present and counted on that fateful day, Thanksgiving 2008, when all Durian Hell did break loose. How if you all e-mail me your recollections of said fateful day, and I’ll post the results? We’ll see what sort of consensus “truth” emerges concerning the day’s events…or not.

Doesn’t have to be anything fancy – just a paragraph or two should suffice (more if you want to, though!). Of course, I’ll be participating as well. Don’t stress out over it, just jot down your memories. Importantly, though: don’t consult with each other before nor during the composition. As importantly, don’t be all poopin’ on the party, or poor Lindsay’s a-gonna be left hanging. You don’t want that on your conscience, do you?

So here’s to it! If you were there, send me your story. Best to do it as soon as you’ve read this little entreaty, so as you shan’t forget about it altogether. I’ll not use anybody’s names; but feel free to attach a picture if you like.

[dc]S[/dc]o that’s that. Now, you wanna talk “Love/Hate”: that’s me and Chiang Mai, knob to eleven.

I’m so in love with the temples here! More than I even remembered, I mean – though, of course, it was these very same temples which originally lit the spark that has become my burning-out-of-control templemaniacal passion.

What I now, upon returning, realise is that Chiang Mai’s temples are a categorical breed apart from the temples I’ve visited in Bangkok, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, and elsewhere. While these last are certainly very beautiful, and great fun to visit, that’s really about all they are.

Even such a stunning and unique temple as Bangkok’s Wat Arun, for example, doesn’t really reach me; doesn’t really say anything to me.

Chiang Mai’s, other hand, are somehow something much more than a pretty face. To be sure, they’re (to mine eyes) collectively the more beautiful than any other cities’.






But it’s when the helpless farang enters one of these hallowed halls that the transfixion truly works its magic. What is it, this compulsion? What reduces farang to a slack-jawed puddle of incredulity? Why does farang stand for minutes, gaping in amazement at the temple’s shrine as though the latter had just landed from Planet Moon, demanding, “Take me to your leader’s leader’s leader, bitch”? What is this spell, this web the temple has woven?

Don’t know! I should guess it has something to do in some combination with the temples’ architectural design (somehow more “airy” than temples elsewhere), the materials used in construction, the beautiful and slightly longing traditional music playing in many of them, the temples’ age (up to 700 years old!), and what…?

These qualities are not peculiar to Chiang Mai’s temples, however. So perhaps it’s something in the water, or some pact with the long-theorised “evil” one, or some other unknowable factor. Whatever it is, the fact remains: Chiang Mai’s temples touch farang very deeply indeed.

One may recall that during my last visit here, in January, I had sung the praises of Chiang Mai’s aroma – later to consider Phimai’s to be a pretty close contendah. But lo, the special admixture of Thai cooking and the omnipresent waft of lit incense, it doesn’t seem to carry through to slow season. It can still be found, here and about. But not, alas, in its earlier ubiquity.

So maybe Chiang Mai’s title as reigning champeen of the scent must redound, during the less-touristic months, to the unlikely little burg of Phimai, Khorat Province.

I also love the town’s vaguely anti-authoritarian atitude, hanging there in the air; somewhat subtle, though always present. Chiang Mai feels kind of like Thailand’s Austin, Texas in this regard.

But mostly – again, as noted during my previous visits – it feels like a little miniaturised Los Angeles. It’s got the traffic from Hell and back, it’s got the hills and mountains, it’s got the smog, it’s got the sprawl. It’s even got the New Age hippie vibe. Huhn, guess the only bit missing would be an ocean.

It’s the god damned motorised transport, I tell you.

Chiang Mai had a beautiful soul, once. This is so apparent, even now. Even after the fucking traffic has rent its soul; if not destroying it totally, then packing it away in a most-unreachable place. The motor-car (and its even-more-evil two- and three-wheeled kin), along with the paved byways upon which they travel, have combined to murder Chiang Mai’s once-beautiful soul.

O Chiang Mai! For you do I weep.

Posted in Culture, Durian | 1 Comment