Himalayan Hijinks

Just a brief report to-day.

This place is fucking crazy! But in all the best ways. The wackily manic street scenes can get a little bit overwhelming, it’s true; but they’re so fascinating that it’s difficult to pry oneself away to take in some needed peace and quiet.

Have probably given this Travel Tip before, but, here ‘tis again: if you want locals to talk to you, walking around barefoot is the ticket. I mean, they’re possibly going to consider you a fucking nutter and all. But that’s okay.

Even had a little experiment to-day. As my soles aren’t quiet yet in peak-season form, I took half the day shod, and half barefoot. During the former half, my existence was barely, if at all, noticed. During the latter, just the opposite. Two schoolboys, after grilling me over my bare feet, even offered to give me a Nepali language lesson. They taught me how to say, “What’s up?” – but I already forgot it. They also offered to show me around the Monkey Temple, but I had some other shit that I had to take care of instead, unfortunately.

So many great photo opportunities to-day, but I kept missing out, as they were in dynamic situations. Most notable: a man walking (well, pulling is more like, as they were being pretty recalcitrant) two goats down the street. By the time I’d got my camera fired up, they were around the corner and gone. Later, spied another gentlemen waiting for the bus with his goat in tow. Maybe Friday is take-your-goat-to-work day here? Not sure…

The most humorous situation was walking down a narrow, bustling, dirt-road alley, and along come…


The truck was backing down the alley, with a dude on sitting on the back bumper, firing a fucking water cannon up into the air. One presumes it was to mitigate the dust; but adding this element into the already chaotic scene was…well, chaos-squared, I suppose. Barely managed, meself, to avoid getting soaked – but it’d have been worth it anyway, just to have been privileged to witness everybody’s pissed-off reactions.



Coolest thing about Kathmanduites is as follows. You always see them – mostly kids and teens, but some adults, too – walking in pairs (or even three or four abreast) with linked arms, or with one’s arm over the other’s shoulder. Not sure what exactly the deal is, apart from a simple show of friendship, but it’s ever so endearing.

Also, though it’s no De Talak, the community here at the hostel is really great. Nice mixture of people just returning from trekking, those getting ready to go trekking, and those who live to hang out and smoke weed (“hash” as it’s only ever called here) all the day long. Lots of people have been spending many many months shuttling between Nepal and India. As in Southeast Asia, it’s mostly Europeans; but there are more North Americans, and fewer Australians, than in Southeast Asia.

It’s a cool scene.

Oh, yeah. A taxi-driver tried to run my dimpled ass over, but I bade him, before proceeding, to hold off and let me get out of the way first.

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“…They Pull Me Back In.”

Namaste, goddammit.

On first impression, Kathmandu feels like a mashup of other Asian cities I’ve visited.

The impossibility of matching maps with street signs is reminiscent of Bangkok’s Chinatown. Not even sure I’ve seen a street sign here, to be honest.

The hyperreal sensation, felt by the pedestrian, of being in a real-live Frogger situation is reminiscent of Chiang Mai. Only here, the motorists and motorcyclists are not only hellbent, but are also in a permanent state of overbeep.  Have a look and listen…

…Tell ya what: whoever has the horn-repair concession around here is one lucky son of a bitch!

The livestock lazing freely in the roadway is reminiscent of Laos. (Though the Buddha hisself was born here in Nepal, the country is predominantly Hindu.)

The constant badgering from Rickshaw drivers is reminiscent of Siem Reap – there it was Tuk-Tuk drivers, of course.

The music pumping out of the shops is Reminiscent of George Town.

The dust and construction everywhere are Reminiscent of Phonsavanh and Vang Vieng.

The, uh, dubious state of the sidewalks (to use the term loosely) is reminiscent of George Town and Chiang Mai.


The street vendors selling veggies and slabs of meat are reminiscent of Luang Prabang.


You’ll note the absence of makeshift fans employed in Luang Prabang to keep the flies off the meat. Truthfully, though, there isn’t much meat for sale – mostly veggies. The fruit scene’s not so bad, either: the grapes and oranges are delish, the mangoes not so much. Have yet to sample, but apples, watermelons, and papayas also abound. There’re even a few coconuts and small jakfruits here and about.

The humorous signage is reminiscent of, well, everywhere else in Asia.




Begging your pardon, but allow me to also throw in a great sign from the Taipei airport:


Also like everywhere else, all kinds of weird/cool shit for sale…



…as well as great people-watching.


Though it reminds of other locales – “Same same,” to use the parlance of their times – Kathmandu feels even more manic and even more chaotic than the others. Amped up to eleven, like. Of course, it may simply be the culture-shock inherent in touching down after a long time away. Either way, colour me entertained! Am thoroughly reminded of first days in Bangkok, two years ago, with whole days just spent wandering the streets, deliciously, deliriously agog at the sights and sounds playing out around me.

The weather here is kind of perfect: low-80s during the days, with plenty of sun. Though it cools off, after 6:00, a little too rapidly for my taste, the upside is that there aren’t any mosquitoes. Pretty decent trade-off! Also, the Dawn Chorus is incredibly loud — as though every bird in the wilderness were here to participate the fun good times.

And what of the mountains, the almighty Himalayas towering majestically over the consciousness of the Nepali nation? Yeah, well, if one squints one’s eyes just so, the foothills can kinda sorta be made out through the valley’s (in)famous sheen of smoggy pollution. There are depictions to be found, however.


It’s not as though the polluting activities are contributing to electrification. Not for lack of trying…


…but city-wide load-shedding has the reception desk here at my hostel lit by candles at night (though the rooftop bar/hangout feels the love of the generator’s outputs). Signs in the airport boast of Nepal’s having been blessed with the World’s second-most-bountiful water resources, after Brasil’s; and the guidebook hints that the country’s rivers await exploitation. So that may be the future: killing the rivers off with dams so that us spoilt Westerners can keep all of our devices charged up.

But for the present: electrical/telephonic resources being limited as they are, expect fewer updates from yours truly than were in evidence the last time around.

A few notes from the twenty-hour layover in KL. Firstly, the city is a fucking oven right now.  Mid-90s during the day, cooling off to 77 degrees overnight. Secondly, the teevee show is, as one could surely expect, completely and utterly obsessed with the whereabouts of the missing Malaysian airliner.

In other news, the new packing system is working pretty well so far: three flights completed, no bags checked. Despite Air Asia’s ominous warning that carry-on limits would be strictly enforced – and the signs all over KL’s so-called Low Cost Terminal indicating that “Size Matters” – there wasn’t even a hint of crackdown. KL security did, alas, confiscate my travel-scissors, which had survived both Sea-Tac’s and TPE’s Security Departments. Oh, well.


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Well, that’s a relief.  Obama/Kerry have done their due diligence, the facts are in, and we can now go have a fuckin’ war, bay-bee! How bitchin’ is that?

The United States Government assesses with high confidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs on August 21, 2013. We further assess that the regime used a nerve agent in the attack. These all-source assessments are based on human, signals, and geospatial intelligence as well as a significant body of open source reporting. […]

To conclude, there is a substantial body of information that implicates the Syrian government’s responsibility in the chemical weapons attack that took place on August 21. As indicated, there is additional intelligence that remains classified because of sources and methods concerns that is being provided to Congress and international partners.

“Well now,” you may be wondering to yourself. “Hold the goddam phone just a second here. If that’s so, then why the need for Kerry and Obama to lace up the soft shoes and trot out the old song-and-dance routine?”

Obama made calls to members of the House of Representatives and Senate, with more scheduled for Monday, while dozens of legislators met in the Capitol building for a Sunday afternoon intelligence briefing on Syria with Obama’s national security team.

Secretary of State John Kerry, who has been the public face of the administration laying out evidence to bolster the claim that the Syrian government used chemical weapons to kill more than 1,400 of its own people in a gas attack on Aug. 21, made the rounds on the Sunday talk shows to further the case.


Although the words from Mr. McCain and Mr. Graham [in support of military action] were a positive development for Mr. Obama and a critical part of the administration’s lobbying blitz on Syria on Monday, the White House still faces a tough fight in Congress.

“Why not just show our evidence,” you’re thinking, “to the Congress and to our International Partners? They’ll see how thorough we’ve been, how competent, how trustworthy. We could all have a big group-hug, and then go get another war on.”

Problem is, they’re all a bunch of jag-offs, don’t know their ass from a piece of string on the ground, and don’t trust us when we tell them…

Holes in the case already have allowed Russia to dismiss the U.S. evidence as “inconclusive,” with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying in a speech Monday that Moscow was shown “some sketches, but there was nothing concrete, no geographical coordinates, or details…and no proof the test was done by professionals,” according to the state-backed RT news agency.

“When we ask for further clarification, we receive the following response: ‘You are aware that this is classified information, therefore we cannot show it to you,’” Lavrov said. “So there are still no facts.”

If the fuckin’ Russkies think they deserve to see our Classified Intelligence — gathered from “a large body of independent sources”, “one hundred videos attributed to the attack”, and “thousands of social media reports” — they’ve got another think comin’. [Ed. Note: Yep, those are actual quotes taken from the “official U.S. Government assessmentcited up-top.] We scoured the social media sites, we assessed the findings, we classified the evidence. Ergo, we get to have a war. Q.E.D..

Kidding aside for a second, if it makes you fucking sick to your stomach that your President and his Cabinet have such a pitifully weak case for, and yet are so eager to begin, dropping bombs on people — on the basis of a fucking three-page report chock-full of lies, distortions, fabricated intel, and gibberish that they have to spend their days lobbying members of Congress to obtain approval (and oh-by-the-way, don’t, in the final analysis, give a fuck what Congress decides anyhow); well, you’re not alone.

Kerry said the administration was confident of winning a motion of the kind that David Cameron unexpectedly lost last week. “We don’t contemplate that the Congress is going to vote no,” Kerry said, but he stressed the President had the right to take action “no matter what Congress does”.

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Asswipes Unlimited

US Secretary of State John Kerry has accused Syrian government forces of killing 1,429 people in a chemical weapons attack in Damascus last week. […]

The U.S. says its assessment is backed by accounts from medical personnel, witnesses, journalists, videos, and thousands of social media reports.

And Do these motherfuckers honestly think we’re so fucking stupid that we’ll fail to notice that these are the exact same lies the Bush Administration used to goad the public into supporting the bloodletting in Iraq? I mean, not just that they’re fundamentally the same — but that the actual verbiage is identical.

Uh, note to John Kerry: when I speculated, a few days ago, that you might be copying-and-pasting Colin Powell’s UN Speech into your own miserably pathetic bullshit telepromptings, that was intended as SATIRE, you fuckwit.

I guess there’s really nothing left, now; save for the 2016 Electorate to just take the plunge, write in Heller/Vonnegut, and be done with it.

Update, 9/1/13:

And now the fucking assholes have taken yet another page from the Bush Administration pre-Iraq handbook, working the phones, in advance of an authorisation vote, to drum up support for another bullshit motherfucking war. Yeah, but it’s different this time, see, because fucking Obama “doesn’t want” to go to war.


Bush has been working the phones to foreign leaders. Chinese President Jiang Zemin urged Bush to resolve the Iraqi crisis peacefully and to let inspections continue, China’s official Xinhua news agency said.

US Secretary of State Colin Powell met the foreign minister of Guinea, Francois Ousseynou Fall, and called top officials in Angola, Mexico and Pakistan.

And now…

President Barack Obama and his top aides launched a political charm offensive Sunday to persuade legislators to approve a military strike against Syria, a day after making the surprise announcement that while he intends to act, he would first seek a Congressional vote on a potential use of force.

Obama made calls to members of the House of Representatives and Senate, with more scheduled for Monday, while dozens of legislators met in the Capitol building for a Sunday afternoon intelligence briefing on Syria with Obama’s national security team.

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American Idiots?

Shit-howdy, it’s been a funtastic week for The Empire, ain’t it?

For peeling back the curtain and exposing (if only for a brief, stealing glimpse) to the teeve-viewing public what most of the Third World has at some time or other experienced first-hand — the barbaric workings of the American War Machine — Bradley Manning was sentenced to thirty-five years in the slammer.  Yay, team!

Now, you remember The Evil Ones, don’t you? Bush, Cheney, Condi, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and cetera. To hear Obama supporters tell it, they were the most despicably horrid gang o’ thugs to ever fill out a Presidential War-Crimes Bureau. Uh, well, hold the phone; ’cause on the very same day that the Manning sentencing came down, we learnt that they’re not so evil any more; the Obama Administration having

filed a petition with a San Francisco federal court arguing that former president George W. Bush and his advisors enjoy “absolute immunity” against any possible civil or criminal charges from the Iraq War.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. But of course, for the mainstream media, the only item worth discussing here is Manning’s name/sex change. (Though, given that any American journalists raising uncomfortable questions regarding the Obama Regime’s motives and methods apparently now risk facing the same fate as Michael Hastings, kinda tough to blame them for steering clear.)

By the way, if you’re scoring at home, there have now been, since 1917, ten whistle-blowers prosecuted under the auspices of the Espionage Act — seven of them by the Obama Administration.

Meanwhile, in Syria, everything old is new again.

Al-Qaeda, once dubbed by President Reakan “the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers”, we’ll recall, had been, more recently, demoted to scum-o’-the-Earth status. But they’re back in our good graces again. Not only are we arming up the Foreign Fighters Syrian Rebels with planeloads of weapons; but here we go, ready to launch “Missiles From The Mediterranean” on their behalf.

missilesBefore we do, though, maybe we should ask some questions about the Ghouta Massacre.

For one, was this a Chemical Weapons attack? Lots of experts in the field, having seen the footage of the victims, are of the opinion that it was not, but rather that either the event was staged, or that the attack was conducted using “industrial toxicants”.

If the latter sounds like a distinction without much of a difference, it still leaves open the question of which entity is guilty of having carried out the attack. The two sides blame each other; but the recent past suggests that it was likely to have been the U.S.-backed Jihadists. Logic, too, would appear to implicate the latter:

Any person using the slightest bit of common sense would not assume the Syrian Government is responsible for the recent chemical weapons attack. For example, the UN is currently in Syria — invited by Assad — investigating a previous chemical weapons attack, since Assad blamed the previous attacks on the U.S. backed rebels. It’s possible that the most recent chemical weapons attack also serves to distract from the ongoing UN investigation that would have proved Assad right.

Of course Assad would have no motive to launch a massive chemical weapons attack just miles from where the UN is currently investigating the previous attack, especially when Assad is handily defeating Obama’s rebels using conventional weaponry. Obama’s rebels are the only ones who would benefit from such an attack.

If it was the U.S.-backed Jihadists, where’d they get the weapons? Well, that’s probably the least perplexing question of them all, sorry to say. The United States’ long and sordid history — Depleted Uranium, Napalm, White Phosphorous, Cluster Bombs, Agent Orange for starters — with banned and experimental weaponry answers that question almost before it’s even asked. It’s all good, though: the next President will surely endeavour to secure for Obama “absolute immunity” from facing the music for his crimes, too.

So many questions, and the UN Inspectors say they need only a week or so to get to the bottom of it. But the Obama Administration does not want to allow the Inspectors to do their jobs. Now, where have we heard that one before?

Incidentally, Michel Chossudovsky predicted an Iraq replay in a now-prescient piece he penned back in June:

A WMD saga modeled on Iraq based on fabricated evidence is unfolding. The Western media in chorus relentlessly accuse the Syrian government of premeditated mass-murder, calling upon the “international community” to come to the rescue of the Syrian people.

Finally, just a few more questions.

Supposing it were a Chemical Weapons attack, and the Syrian state were responsible? Why does this constitute the crossing of a “Red Line” necessitating a military response? What good can possibly come from us again dropping loads and loads of bombs on top of people’s heads? On whose authority does the Obama Administration deem itself worthy to conduct such activities? Weren’t these supposed to be the grownups? Weren’t we supposed to have left all the chicanery back with Baby Bush and his marauding fuck-ups?

And why does only 9% of the American population (and presumably an even smaller proportion of the World’s people) support such an action? Are we fucking idiots?

Everything old is new again. Including the predictably mute response the Administration’s rush to war has elicited from his voters. You know, the same ones who sent him into office specifically to discontinue U.S. military adventures in the Middle East. The ones who filled up our newsfeeds, last year at this time, with urgent pleas to return him to office (lest the Republicans come in and start another fucking war) — and promises to hold his feet to the fire during his second term.

If you’re still out there, Dems, now might be a good time to speak up.

Otherwise, one supposes we’re left to amusing ourselves trying to guess the name of the pending “operation”. Here are a few…

  • “Operation Hopey-Changey”
  • “Operation This Time We’re Really, Really, Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Telling The Truth — Cross Our Hearts And Everything
  • “Operation Don’t Mind Us, We’re Only Just Bombing A-Rabs Again”
  • “Operation Questions? Sure, Ask All The Questions You Like Cough Where’d We Park The Presidential Drone? Cough”


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