Health Archive!
Here are some good fun health-related materials.
- Nancy Turner Banks, AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, And Empire: The Deadly Virus Of International Greed (2010): PDF, DJVU.
- Anthony Brink, Debating AZT: Mbeki and the AIDS Drug Controversy (2000): EPUB, PDF.
- Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (1960/2010): EPUB, PDF.
- Rebecca Culshaw, Science Sold Out: Does HIV Really Cause AIDS? (2007): PDF, EPUB.
- Thorsten Engelbracht, Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense (2007): PDF.
- Arthur Firstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow: A History Of Electricity And Life (2016): EPUB.
- T.C. Fry, The Life-Science Health System (1982): PDF, EPUB, MOBI, HTML.
- A four-lesson excerpt dealing specifically with the nature and purpose of disease: EPUB, HTML.
- Edward S, Golub, The Limits Of Medicine (1994): EPUB, PDF.
- J.B. Handley, How To End The Autism Epidemic (2018): EPUB, PDF.
- Suzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, And The Forgotten History (2013): EPUB, PDF.
- Dawn Lester and David Parker, What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong (2019): EPUB.
- Jon Rappoport, AIDS, Inc. (2003): EPUB, HTML.
- Herbert Shelton, The Hygienic System, Vol. VI -- Orthopathy (1939): EPUB, HTML.
- Herbert Shelton, The Myth Of Medicine (1995): EPUB, HTML.
- Herbert Shelton, Vaccine And Serum Evils (1960): EPUB, HTML.
- Doug Graham, The 80/10/10 Diet (2006): PDF, EPUB, MOBI.