May 02, 2004
Don't Make Me Get Out The Belt
First we had Sesame Street on the Potomac. Now it's Odd Couple on the Potomac:
"That's how I've always said it," McDermott said yesterday. "I make my pledge to my country and that's the end of it."
Republicans pounced on the omission. Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, accused McDermott of "embarrassing the House and disparaging the majority of Americans who share the values expressed in the pledge."
The House's presiding officer Tuesday, Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, said the words "under God" would appear in the Congressional Record of Tuesday's proceedings, regardless of how McDermott had recited the pledge.
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, summoned the Seattle Democrat to her office Wednesday to personally scold him for improvising when he led the pledge in the House chamber. ... "You will not hear the pledge made on the floor without the words 'under God'," Pelosi said.
Is there anybody in that fucking city that can act more than ten years old?
Posted by Eddie Tews at May 2, 2004 04:35 PM