April 15, 2003
Has The Whole World Gone Crazy?
Reading the page after page after page after page of euphoric triumphalism in the U.S. mainstream media, one could certainly be forgiven for thinking so. Is no person capable of recalling that the U.S. invasion (let alone many of its specific processes) of Iraq was itself a blatant violation of International Law? The case for invasion was made before the world -- and found wanting. The United States withdrew its barbarist's resolution in the face of resounding opposition. Does nobody, one month later, remember this?
Well, yes, some people do. A quick search of Google News for "war crimes Iraq", expected to return endless calls for prosecution of Iraqi war criminals, instead returned precisely the opposite: an array of calls for investigation of "coalition" crimes, including the underlying, fundamental crime of unprovoked aggression. "A good deal of informed opinion worldwide regards the Anglo-American invasion and conquest of Iraq as an illegal act of aggression, in the course of which it is coalition forces that have perpetrated numerous war crimes while pulverising Iraqi resistance," it says here. The Brooklyn-based Center for Economic and Social Rights has laid out the case in full.
So maybe there's hope.
What You Can Do: But it will take a great deal of popular outcry to even allow the issue to blip onto the radar. There's no time like the present. First, write to the Washington, DC Police Department and Mayor's Office, asking for the apprehension of George W. Bush and friends. Second, contact your representatives, urging the same. Third, contact media outlets, asking them to give coverage to this issue. Fourth, urge your friends and family to take these same steps.
Posted by Eddie Tews at April 15, 2003 12:54 PM
lol, this just keeps getting better and better! I love this website! Write to the mayor and ask for the apprehension of the President! lol, riiiight. that's a priceless one. I copied and pasted that quote into my AOL internet Instant Messenger. hey, maybe while we're at it, we can get Santa Claus arrested too! He didn't bring me anything cool for Christmas last year, and my bloated consciousness feels pain and misery over it because of the the unbearable sensitivities afforded me by my superior intellect...just like you guys. Let's lock up that bastard Chris Kringle! Down with Bush! Down with Santa! Next on "the list": the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy! -- Posted by: Bill Whitlock on April 16, 2003 01:01 AM
Why is the notion of holding someone accountable to the laws that we ALL must live by so hilarious? I think that just goes to show how must we have lost track of what democracy is really all about. Long Live King Bush! May his reign be merciful! -- Posted by: Joe Friday on April 26, 2003 09:19 AM