March 03, 2003
"Subtle" It Ain't
You see displayed before you the front and back of the English language version of one of the many leaflets dropped over Iraq since November of last year.
This one seems to suggest that those Iraqis who dare defend themselves against a U.S. invasion of their country will be blown sky-high. Yeah, the Iraqis, no longer completely ignorant of the fate awaiting niggers attempting to resist a Yankee invasion, are now expected to throw down their weapons and embrace the invaders with open arms (and maybe invite them inside for tea).
The "Leaflet Gallery" is available to patrons of the "World Wide Web" -- helpfully arrayed by date of drop -- courtesy of United States Central Command (General Tommy Franks Commanding).
Posted by Eddie Tews at March 3, 2003 06:47 PM