January 05, 2003
Let Democracy Flourish!
Here's the text of a Letter to the Editor which I just sent to the Seattle Times and Los Angeles Times:
George Bush claims the looming Iraq war is "not to conquer anybody, but to liberate people" ("U.S. aim is 'to liberate,' Bush says", January 4, 2003). If true, the Bush Administration may want to consider this proposal (which I like to call "Operation: Let Democracy Flourish").
Allow the Iraqi people to vote upon whether or not they would like to be "liberated" by the U.S. military. The United Nations could conduct the plebiscite, to ensure no meddling by the Iraqi state. (Undoubtedly, Saddam would allow the proceedings to go forth unhindered, given the alternative.) Clearly, Saddam would want every citizen to vote, so there wouldn't be a personal danger to those choosing to do so. Nor, since the ballot would be taken anonymously, would there be fear of retribution for voting "incorrectly".
Those wishing to see this process initiated are urged to write, phone, or fax the United Nations Development Programme: One United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017; (212) 906-5558; (212) 906-5364 respectively.
Posted by Eddie Tews at January 5, 2003 05:51 PM